A downloadable game

I've been working on a game for the Dream On 2019 competition, "Moving Day". Its not fully done yet, but its in a state where I'm happy to do an initial release. This game is a Dr Mario clone, but with a new skin and it adds a few extra features :D In this game you have a room instead of a bottle, boxes instead of pills, and "stuff" instead of viruses. The idea is you're moving out of home and need to pack up all your stuff. The red stuff/clothes go into the red box, the green stuff/edibles go into the green box and the blue stuff/tech goes into the blue boxes.

For those not familiar with Dr Mario, its a combination of Tetris + Connect 4 where you need to line up your pieces in 4 of the same colour to clear stuff. You win if you pack up all your stuff and you lose if you "Top out" (Can't spawn a new box anymore). The number of stuff is directly related to your chosen "Level" (In my version its "Level * 4". In Dr Mario its "(Level * 4) + 4")

Patch notes

This version is mostly a bugfix build. Also when you pause the game, it now hides all the boxes/stuff so you can't spam pause to get an advantage. Also tidied up the single player HUD to display on left and right on board as well as the current level.

All this version does is add in the score system. Its identical to Dr Mario's version. Also stopped the skill HUD from overlapping when you have 4 players.

Implemented a new transition system rather than duplicating code. Refresh rate screen has been cleaned up and bug fixed. New boxy transition. There's a  "Ready?" "Go!" before the game starts now to give people time to analyse the board.

Its been so long I can't remember exactly what has been added since v0.3.3. I know multiple bugs were fixed, Anti-Clockwise rotation, option to show the percentage of "Stuff" remaining, but most importantly SOUND! Note: For emulators I recommend DEMUL for Windows and Reicast can do it with a few graphical issues. I might need to change some audio levels so let me know and also let me know if you find bugs!

Future features:
- Combo clear animation
- AI opponents
- Savefile for those settings and high score
- A "story" slide before the singleplayer game
- Something after you beat singleplayer
- Keyboard support (Idk yet after learning of the potential limitations)
- [TBA] ;)

There are a few features that have been implemented, but haven't been able to fully test because either I'm not good enough or its too hard to control 2 players at once as one person. Here's the list of potential iffy features. They should all be fine, but if you notice an issue or bug please tell me so I can fix it:
- Does this work on hardware? (I've been using DEMUL for most of dev and I don't have my DC setup right now so idk)
- Trash mode (When you receive a combo from an opponent). If you get 2+ combos in a turn you'll spawn that number of single boxes on an enemy board. I know this works for combos of 2, but what about 3 and 4? Also if you do 5+ does it only spawn a max of 4 as expected?
- If trash spawns where you already have a box, it should replace it
- Intersecting combos (Previously had issues with this, but it should be fine now)
- Does the player's box fall too fast?

I want to give thanks to the entire Dreamcast community otherwise I wouldn't be here and wouldn't have gotten this far on my own. I also want to thank the people at tetrisconcept.org, particularly this thread https://tetrisconcept.net/threads/dr-ma ... ement.2037 . They uncovered a lot of the technical details of how the NES Dr Mario works including how the initial bottle/viruses/stuff was generated (I would never have been able to correctly figure that one out).


Moving Day v0.4.cdi 266 MB
Moving Day v0.3.3.cdi 2.5 MB
Moving Day v0.3.2.cdi 2.5 MB
Moving Day v0.3.1.cdi 2.5 MB
Moving Day v0.3.cdi 2.5 MB

Install instructions

This is a cdi file, it will work fine in most emulators. I recommend REDREAM or DEMUL for the best emulated experience

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